What we can do

Environmental Initiatives


Sustainability is our crucial commitment, and therefore we will strive to address
the world's major environmental issues.

Our Activities

We savedliters of water

We are engaged in creating a sustainable society through product sales.

The fashion and textile industry has been considered the "second most polluting industry in the world" (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development).
One of our missions is to change people's perception of waste and lead the apparel industry into a recycling future.
Replace your regular T-shirt with our T-shirt. By doing so, you have reduced your regular use of water resources by 99% and CO2 emissions by 50%.

Carbon-neutral shipping with Shopify Planet
Carbon-neutral shipping on all orders
shipping emissions removed
That's like...
miles driven by an average gasoline-powered car
We fund innovations in...

What We Can Do

We use recyclable materials in our product
packaging, eliminating plastics and virgin
fibers whenever possible.

Redefining Apparel

We are also committed to what sustainable
fashion can be. One of our missions is to
change people's perception of waste and
lead the apparel industry into a recycling

Internal Initiatives

We are undertaking internal initiatives to address
carbon dioxide emissions and waste.
- Employees pick up personal deliveries at work to
reduce the carbon dioxide emissions generated by
- Employees are encouraged to walk, bike, or use
electric vehicles to commute and travel to work.
- In offices, we encourage reusable materials or
reusable tumblers instead of disposable plastic
cups, etc., and cover the cost of purchasing these

- Reclaiming unused products returned to us.

Reshape Packaging

We are a partnership with prAna, which
works to eliminate packaging waste

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