Sale price$42.00



Shopify Planet을 통한 탄소 중립 배송
모든 주문에 대해 탄소 중립 배송
100% 리사이클 소재를 사용하였습니다. 의류 제조 과정에서 생겨나는 조각 원단을 색상별로 수거하여 재사용하고 있기 때문에 추가 염색이 필요하지 않고 수질 오염을 일으킬 수 있는 화학 물질을 일절 사용하지 않았습니다. 지금 바로 당신의 평범한 티셔츠를 이 티셔츠로 바꿔보세요! 그것만으로 통상 대비 수자원 사용률을 99%, CO2 배출량을 50% 줄일 수 있습니다.

The fashion industry is estimated to generate 92 million tons of waste annually worldwide.Much of the discarded clothing is incinerated or buried in landfills.The problems include overproduction and over-disposal, CO2 emissions that account for10% of all industries, the second largest consumption of water resources in all industries,and water pollution. The fashion and textile industry has been considered the "secondmost polluting industry in the world" (United Nations Conference on Trade andDevelopment).

Redefining Apparel

We are also committed to what sustainable fashion can be. One of our missions is to change people's perception of waste and lead the apparel industry into a recycling future.

Our Activities

We savedliters of water

We are engaged in creating a sustainable society through product sales.

The fashion and textile industry has been considered the "second most polluting industry in the world" (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development).
One of our missions is to change people's perception of waste and lead the apparel industry into a recycling future.
Replace your regular T-shirt with our T-shirt. By doing so, you have reduced your regular use of water resources by 99% and CO2 emissions by 50%.

100% Recycle

Replace your regular T-shirt with this T-shirt. By doing so, you have reduced your regular use of water resources by 99% and CO2 emissions by 50%.

Save Water

We recycle cotton scraps and offcuts from the garment manufacturing process and remake them into clothing, so there is no need to cultivate cotton anew. This recycling
reduces the large amount of water needed for conventional cultivation. One garment can contribute to saving 2,700 liters of water

Color Reuse

We collect and reuse scrap materials bycolor, so further dyeing is unnecessary. Wedo not use any chemicals that can cause water pollution

All Gender

This crew-neck T-shirt is all-gender and fitsvarious body type

We are a partnership with prAna, which works to eliminate packaging waste worldwide.